Contemporary Service

Sunday 9:45AM


Here at Northside, we want you to be comfortable as you worship, so wear whatever you would normally wear to church. We’ll have coffee available for you before the service begins near the main doors to the Faith & Arts Center. You will be greeted at the main doors by one of our Sunday Servants. The lighting is darker both for a relaxed atmosphere and to help with reading text on our projector screens.


The Northside Band leads us in worship every week, whether it’s a full band with electric guitars and drums or a low-key setting with just piano and acoustic guitar. In worship, we usually sing 4-5 songs to praise God, have a time of offering where we can give back to God through opportunities both here at Northside and around the world, and have a message where we learn more about scripture and our faith journey. In all we do, we strive for real, intentional worship of God.